Instructional Videos
Welcome to our list of video tutorials. These tutorials should get you up and running with PubAssist in a matter of minutes. We used the Jing project to capture video tutorials on how to use Publishers’ Assistant. So, these videos are limited to 5 minutes. That’s a nice digestible size that allows you to take in as much or as little as you need in each sitting. It won’t take very many of these videos before you begin to understand the interaction with PubAssist. So, get going! But come back. There are lots of good details in the follow on tutorials.
Publishers’ Assistant
How do I enter an invoice?
How do I enter my titles?
How do I track royalties or consignment liabilities?
Title Liabilities – Segment 2, Consignment Contract Specifics
Title Liabilities – Segment 3, Recalculating Liabilities and Reporting
Introduction to Couplet
Exporting Data using Couplet
Importing Data using Couplet
There are no tuturials on importing; but check out this article on converting from Quickbooks. It’s a good introduction to importing.
We’re actively adding to this list, so keep checking back.
This video explains how royalties work in detail. (7 minutes) This is a MAJOR feature of Publishers' Assistant that sets us apart from other royalty calculation systems.