What is RAPIDS?
RAPIDS is a software framework for the development of web applications.
RAPIDS is an acronym for "REST API Data Service".
"Several existing frameworks were considered when researching technologies for Illumination. I did not find what I was looking for in any of the alternatives. In addition to a basic mistrust of big tech companies, I was not happy with either the interface or the technology of most products I looked at. I wanted an easy to understand high-level interface that intuitively described the application. To do this, I wanted a component-based solution that allowed extensive subclassing. I wanted to minimize what runs on the client machines and I do not want to require the use of cookies. Some products do too much in Javascript. That feels like a violation of trust to me. In the end, I felt I could implement what I wanted faster than I could learn or perfect the use of another framework. RAPIDS is the result."
Ron Lawrence
RAPIDS is publicly available as a separate open-source product. Publishers' Assistant will provide training to interested developers on the structure and use of this framework. Contact us for more details.
Key Features for RAPIDS:
The RAPIDS "Generator" will read a MySQL table and automatically generate an application for that "resource". Deployment can happen in minutes.
The heart of the generated application is the single-page application component. That class can be quickly tailored to accommodate the specific needs of the application.
RAPIDS implements a REST compliant API.
RAPIDS is completely component based and uses HTML templates for content.
It makes the assumption that all HTML rendering should happen on the server.
Javascript is used primarily for user interaction that results in a request to the server.
No cookies are used.
RAPIDS is implemented in PHP.
RAPIDS incorporates Bootstrap and JQuery.
RAPIDS is built using, and is available as, open-source software.