What is RAPIDS?

RAPIDS is a software framework for the development of web applications.  

RAPIDS is an acronym for "REST API Data Service".

"Several existing frameworks were considered when researching technologies for Illumination.  I did not find what I was looking for in any of the alternatives.  In addition to a basic mistrust of big tech companies, I was not happy with either the interface or the technology of most products I looked at.  I wanted an easy to understand high-level interface that intuitively described the application.  To do this, I wanted a component-based solution that allowed extensive subclassing.  I wanted to minimize what runs on the client machines and I do not want to require the use of cookies.  Some products do too much in Javascript.  That feels like a violation of trust to me.  In the end, I felt I could implement what I wanted faster than I could learn or perfect the use of another framework.  RAPIDS is the result."

Ron Lawrence

RAPIDS is publicly available as a separate open-source product.  Publishers' Assistant will provide training to interested developers on the structure and use of this framework.  Contact us for more details.

Key Features for RAPIDS: