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Publishers' Assistant Lyric Edition, available FREE without a support contract.

This is our full-featured, single-user product without limitations.  There are thousands of copies in use throughout the world!

Note that Lyric is our legacy product.  Illumination is not yet available for distribution.

The Publishers' Assistant Epic Edition is available only with our standard support contract...

Couplet & Voyager applications are included!

Monthly Support Subscription
$100 US/month.

Annual Support Subscription $1100 US/year
*invoiced annually*

Check out our list of instructional videos...   

Publishers' Assistant Help Archive

Now available!  A composite of support articles and emails for legacy versions of Publishers' Assistant.   This 256 page PDF is a searchable archive of articles, questions, and answers to the most common (and some rather obscure) issues with Publishers' Assistant.  This archive features many step-by-step "How To" articles complete with screen shots.

Publishers' Assistant V4 User Guide

by Steve Carlson

This is the original user guide authored by Steve Carlson.  It is a step-by-step orientation to Publishers' Assistant Version 4.  We've worked very hard to maintain a consistent interface through the years.  Beginners will still find this guide useful.  78 pages.